Recommended by Readers: Books for Stroke Victims and Their Families

Morning, folks. This is the first in a series where we highlight recommendations from your fellow patrons.  This week, a patron wrote us about attempting to find good books for people aiding stroke victims.  Here was her message, and recommendations:

A friend just had a stroke.  When I visited, her husband was frustrated that he understood so little of what her doctors were talking about when they rounded on her.  Plus, from personal experience I have learned the importance of being not only an informed consumer, but also an informed patient or caregiver in that situation.  Where to go for help?  Why EPL, of course.  And sure enough (and with the help of the Reference Desk), I found three excellent books for my friend’s husband, that I am also appreciating.  One was Kirk Douglas’s “My Stroke of Luck” which I had forgotten about and which gave me all the more reason to admire Mr. Douglas, who will be 100 next December, 20 years after the stroke he overcame despite the odds.  Although I’ve already loaned it to Steve, I look forward to reading it next.  Meanwhile I’m studying “Navigating the Complexities of Stroke” (Caplan, 2013) and “Stroke Survivors” (Bergquist, McLean, Kobylinski; 1994) which I also borrowed.  As you can guess, the 1994 book was no longer as helpful as Caplan’s, which is a revelation.  It turns out that Dr. Caplan (Professor of Neurology, Harvard and a senior neurologist at Beth Israel) himself had a stroke at age 26 and writes with that insight, thus anticipating topics such as “How Does One Person’s Stroke Affect Others?” and “What Does the Future Hold?” that are immediately relevant to my friends.

Recommended Books

My Stroke of Luck by Kirk Douglas

My Stroke
Place the book on reserve here.

Navigating the Complexities of Stroke by Louis R. Caplan


Place the book on reserve here.

Stroke Survivors

by William H. Bergquist, Rod McLean, and Barbara A. Kobylinski

Stroke Survivors

Place the book on reserve here.